Friday, 6 January 2012

Back to school

Alhamdulillah, my eldest son is beginning to show better interest for his new school. He's been there for three days, just like many other school children in Malaysia and most of my lovely girlfriends' children on my Facebook. It's great to hear that everyone is settling well at school, especially when I see my son's happy face after school each day. However, the homework routine hasn't started yet. I am hoping that Adam and I will cope better this time albeit the tiredness spending the whole day at uni and at school. On the contrary, Harris still cries every morning when I left him at nursery. Nevertheless showing utter cheerfulness when it's home time in the afternoon... Happily playing with his friends and paper aeroplanes. Since Wednesday, we've had basically similar routine and rituals daily. Me awake by 530am, shower then boil hot water for the boys to get wash at 540am. Adam is ready by 605am, then we perform Subuh prayers together. Meanwhile, Harris is already awake. Gave him his morning wash..get ready in school uniform. I made sure that bags, uniforms and homeworks are ready the night before so it's easier in the morning. We have breakfast together at 615am... While I had some fruit juice and pack my cheese n whole meal bread (I have mine at the office). Hang my laundry on the line, bags into the car then we are on the road by 650am. Arrive 7am at Adam's school, at Harris's by 720am, reached my office by 730am. I love the freshest cool air in the morning, the quiet traffic to Adam's school, my organizations for my precious children, the way the teachers welcome Adam and his friends at the school gate, my half an hour early arrival in my office everyday, all in all I love my early start every morning. I simply love mornings!! I know that may seem weird to you but when you have school age children, it is your responsibility to ensure that they are happy and content in every life aspect possible including school. As a treat, we watched mission impossible at mbo tonight. Yet another superb acting by Tom cruise. Ok, looking fwd for a great weekends. And my best wishes to you too :)

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