Saturday, 28 January 2012

happiest birthday to me..

birthday girl on her beautiful birthday :)

Alhamdulillah.. 32 years of being a daughter to wonderful parents and a sister to my lovely sisters. Almost 9 years being a mother to two lovely sons Adam & Harris and almost 10 years being a girlfriend, wife and be married to a ermm.. descriptive husband? lol! 

My husband wished me with lots of kisses and hugs, followed by my sons. I love getting kisses and hugs from my lovelies especially on my birthday! Bet everyone does kan? I asked my sons to go to bed as it was getting late. Little did I know that my youngest Harris brought along his special case full of pencil colours and paper to make a little birthday card for mummy. I am flattered.. I melted instantly upon knowing that the card was ready by bedtime when this morning, Harris woke me up (he always wakes up the earliest among us all!) and kept saying happy birthday mummy and I made a card for you.. he said that he wanted to buy me a present but, he doesn't know what to get me for my birthday plus he doesn't have that much money.. how thoughtful of Harris! Adam helped with writing the card :) Note the Geordie way of spelling mammy, I love!!

the best gift ever!
harris did the drawing :)
We all went for my birthday treats at Pizza Hut Jusco Tebrau, Johor Bahru. Had island cheese lava, chocolate volcano with vanilla ice cream, seafood marinara and carbonara. Semua sedap sebab its my birthday kan :))) To all my family and friends, thanks a lot for your warm wishes on my facebook and kind messages on my phone. I love you all and I look forward to having each of you in my future years, InsyaAllah. To my mom and dad, I love you so much!

To my husband..thank you for everything (there's no birthday gift from him but having him beside me to fight with is prime!! lol!!). This song is dedicated to all of you my lovely readers with lots of love and shiny sparkles!!


  1. Happy belated birthday my dear frend... Semoga bergumbira dan berbahagia hingga hujung nyawa...

    1. Hi Noya..thank you for your warm wishes.. Rindu columns aku kat komen2 ko :)
