Saturday, 7 April 2012

non-stop january till march

it's april and i am not surprised at how fast time flies! haven't been anywhere exciting since january till march, haven't even been home to my own parents this year yet! glad that i have understanding parents and siblings. thank you mak and abah for your endless motivation and support.

submitted my phd thesis now awaiting defend which is scheduled in early may.

back in january:
was in perak for holidays
been to kl for phd meeting with my supervisor
had a meaningful 32nd birthday just at home in johor bahru with lovely handmade card from both my sons

then in february:
my eldest was admitted to hospital for a week due to rotavirus infections as soon as i return from KL at the end of january
was basically confined to resolving health issues in my little family making sure that everyone recovered well and were able to attend school as usual was living a hectic life finalizing my phd thesis as well as organizing my first international publication workshop (now that it's done and since we received lots of compliments, i am happy to acknowledge it as being "mine" as in "my workshop")  i am ever so grateful that the workshop went well and all participants had a great week here..

came in march:
extremely busy with phd thesis
realization of my workshop from 18th till 24th march at utm johor bahru campus (lots of decisions to be made prior the big day)
spent the night in my office printing out my phd thesis during the workshop week (from 8pm till 11.30pm every night, fun but exhausted, thanks to my little sister mira for the company!)
workshop ends well and everyone had a great time.. received lots of compliments via emails, cards etc..
got precious supervisor's approval signature on my thesis for submission to graduate school
thesis ready for submission on 31st march 2012 Alhamdulillah

now in april:
thesis submitted on Monday 2nd April 2012
defend date is scheduled in May
began Induction Course on 2nd April till 13th April at Pusat Latihan...
now still enjoying the course and have one more week to go yeay!
the birth of my 2nd nephew (name to be announced later in the week) on 5th April 2012 at Putrajaya Hospital... adorable, cuddly, smiley, cute baby my sister and brother in law has... to his big bro Fahim.. no fighting!!
to Lapor Diri for work on 9th April 2012...which means no more sloppy outfits to the office suitable only for dirty labworks, looking forward to berbaju kurung dan berayu-ayu di pejabat lol!

till later, have a nice weekends and lots of love and shiny sparkles!!

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