Monday, 14 May 2012

selamat hari ibu untuk bonda tersayang

selamat hari ibu untuk bonda tersayang. my mom came to spend the weekends with me and my two sons last sunday, on mothers day itself and Alhamdulillah, Allah knows best and His plans are the best of all.

initially, i planned to go back to my parents but due to unavoidable circumstances, i had to cancel my weekend trip to labis. deep inside, i prayed that there would be ways for me to meet my mom especially during the mothers day weekends considering i had passed my PhD exams on the Friday before. her present was nicely wrapped and ribbon-ed, carefully placed on my door side in case i forgot to put it in the car for my initial balik kampung trip. i haven't signed the card though but i thought to get her a nice cake and cook meals and do the etcetera a daughter would normally do on mothers day. Alhamdulillah, syukur i had the best mothers day with my mom and also with my sister who had another boy last april... my cute little nephew baby hazim.

since my balik kampung trip was cancelled, i had the chance to attend harris's mothers day celebration at nuri kindergarten. it was great fun playing the mummy returns, doing the catwalk (OMG!! the runway was sooo short lah hahaha), musical chairs etc and these games are for moms only! seronok dpt join other moms in those fun activities :) 

here's some photos from my fantastic mothers day do!

mom and me
lovely card from marks and spencer
harris made the card at nuri for me
the mummy returns!!!
all in all, it was a very special mothers day weekends. sesungguhnya perancangan Allah itu Maha Cantik! lots of love and shiny sparkles y'all :)

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