Monday, 4 February 2013

unexpected labour experience

Alhamdulillah, despite my baby's unexpected early arrival at 36 + 4 days, he is doing extremely well although we both had to stay a little bit longer than expected at the hospital. My great committee team and I organized the 2nd IWA-UTM International Publication Workshop on 12-18 January 2013. The workshop ended marvellously with a great closing dinner at Villa Warisan Johor Bahru on Friday night. I was feeling extra energetic throughout the workshop. We all had an enjoyable week with 28 participants worldwide, and our facilitators were as always highly motivated and supportive towards this mini-baby programme of mine. Had a great Saturday outing with my family having cakes and yummie food not knowing that my suspected Braxton Hicks contractions were actually the real ones! Until on Sunday night when I had to be admitted to hospital due to slower baby movements and continuous contractions as well as a 1.5cm dilation! At 36 wks ++!!

I had no idea that I was going into labour on Sunday night. They kept me in the ward and I was given painkillers to help me sleep prior to being induced on Monday. I had a rough Sunday night, unable to sleep due to the contractions. I have never been induced. With my first son, I was on epidural because the labour took so long i.e. more than 20 hours. With my second son, I was only on entonox, and the pain was not so bad at 39 wks. However, with my latest newborn, being induced was super-painful that I had to take an epidural and entonox, and even that didn't help with the continuous pain! My husband was on my side all the time in the labour room. My Obgyn and nurses were super-helpful and supportive throughout the 5-6 hours process. After a series of collar grabbing (my husband came into the labour room in his work shirt!), I finally managed to control my breathing and Kareem was safely delivered at 8.44pm on 21st January 2013, a week before my birthday. He weighed smallest, tiniest baby boy :) Alhamdulillah...

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