Tuesday 7 December 2010

winter remedies

see -6C...some areas are worse

luckily my children do not have problems taking meds
these are among essentials in my medicines cupboard particularly during winter... SEJUK sangat oke!!! -6C in northeast...in scotland i think reaching horrifying -12C!!! must drink plenty of warm water, i take Lemsip 3x a day, even at uni. my boys take Calpol regularly due to runny nose and body ache. controlled temperature in the house to prevent eczema or any sort of skin problems. lotions and potions for winter skincare regime... and the list just continues for the next 2-3 months. why dulu2 for 5 consecutive years in UK takde snow setebal ini? our world is getting old... everything is changing.. i am older than 5 years before (ngeee...xde kaitan dgn topik). to those of you in winter wonderland, take care of your pretty selves!!!

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